Economy & WorkhousingIn DepthLatest To Have & Have Not: Canadians take sides on housing market, divided in desire for home prices to rise, or tank
Business & ConsumershousingPolicy and LegislationPolitics & Policy Banking on a burst bubble: Even half of Metro Vancouver home owners want housing prices to fall
Business & ConsumershousingPolicy and LegislationPolitics & Policy GTA Housing: Most see affordability worsening, say it will continue ‘no matter what’ government does
Analysishousing As the foreign buyers debate rages on, most Metro Vancouver residents made up their minds long ago
Analysishousing A foreign buyers tax for Toronto? Three-in-four in the GTA would support following Vancouver’s lead
housingLatestSociety & Life Nine-in-ten support tax on foreign buyers of Metro Vancouver homes, but doubt it will be very effective